Two passengers duked it out in a free-for-all brawl aboard a Japanese airplane, ending in the arrest of a boozed-up American traveler, according to reports.
Wild video emerged from the flight-turned-MMA fight, which featured a crazed man in a red Hawaiian shirt exchanging punches with another man in a black T-shirt.
“This guy is crazy!” the pugilist in black yells as a flight attendant tries to separate the combatants on the ANA flight at Tokyo’s Narita Airport.
ANA Airline Flight NH6 from Narita, Japan to LAX was lit ?
— Corey Hour (@CoreyHour) May 2, 2017
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” someone is heard saying as a baby cries in the background.
According to police and an ANA spokesman, the incident occurred just before 6 p.m. Monday on Flight NH6, which was about to depart for LA.
Authorities said the American passenger, who was drunk, began acting in an unruly manner, Japan Today reported, citing Fuji TV.
Deeming him a potential safety threat, the airline asked him to disembark before takeoff.
But he resisted and hit a female passenger, Japan Today reported.
“So, 10 minutes before take off a passenger starts a huge fight in his row. I get in between him and flight attendants, but he won’t 1v1 me,” tweeted @CoreyHour, who posted the video.
After leaving the plane, he choked a male ANA employee, Japan Today reported.
“He yells, ‘You think I’m crazy? What about the government!’ Then exits the plane. 1.5 hours later and we finally take off,” the Arizona-based photographer added.
The flight had already been delayed due to unstable weather conditions.
“For the record ANA staff and passengers handled the situation with grace and respect. They did the best they could to diffuse the situation,” @CoreyHour said.