Members of the Muslim faith are welcoming Lindsay Lohan to Islam after the actress deleted her Instagram account and changed her bio on the social media site.
Over the weekend, Lohan got rid of every photo on her Instagram page, leaving nothing but her profile picture and a bio that now reads: ‘Alaikum salam.’
The Arabic greeting translates to ‘and unto you peace,’ and many took it mean that Lohan was converting to the Muslim faith.
‘Im so happy that lindsay lohan found Islam. may Allah guide her and bless her,’ wrote one young woman on Twitter.
Another posted on her account: ‘I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Islam? If its true, alhamdulillah.
God has shown her the right path to now follow.’
im so happy that lindsay lohan found Islam. may Allah guide her and bless her
— Nurin Qistina (@_nurinqistina) January 16, 2017
Lohan recently rang in the New Year in the Middle East, choosing to vacation in Dubai over the holidays.
There were previously rumors that Lohan might be converting back in 2015 when she was photographed holding a copy of the Quran while doing community service in Brooklyn.
When appearing on the Turkish talk show Haber Turk later year, she explained that the book was actually just a gift from some friends.
‘My very close friends, who have been there for me a lot, in London are Saudi and they gave me the Quran and I brought it to New York because I was learning,’ said Lohan.
‘It opened doors for me to experience spiritually, to find another true meaning. This is who I am.’
She claimed however that she was attacked after that picture was released in the media.
‘They crucified me for it in America. They made me seem like Satan. I was a bad person for holding that Quran,’ claimed Lohan.
She said that she was then happy to leave and return to London because she felt ‘so unsafe in [her] country.’